
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do You Want To Know?

Isn't it funny how we as Americans are taught only certain things in school? We grow up supposedly learning history and heritage but really we are told lies. You know, sugar-coated history and maybe even some that has no truth at all to it. I guess my point is that one of the greatest things we can do as humans is to question. It is what are minds are built for. I'm puzzled by life. I wanna know all the secrets as i'm sure you all do. Well, some of you anyway. The smart ones. We are caught in a system that I would compare somewhat to an experiment or being in one giant zoo...America. There are those among us that know the things I wanna know. Puppet-masters I shall call them. They come from a long line of of people who have designed society to be what it is. They wrote our history books. They make our rules. Meanwhile, we are told that what they tell us we should automatically take for truth. That we should just go through our lives only questioning things about ourselves and not about the what's really going on in the world. I want so much out of life. I want everyone to be happy. I would like to see true peace in my lifetime. It will never happen sadly and partly because of these things I speak of. I am in now way crazy about these things and I have to admit accept the way things are but only because what can one man do against these powers. Nothing. These people will make you out to be a conspiracy theorist and insane. I simply write this post in hopes of opening a few minds to truth of the world. There are many things that they don't want us to know, secret-societies we will never be a part of, and information we will never obtain. I know this and like I said I accept it. BUT....this does not stop me from questioning and wanting to know. The mysteries are right in front of our eyes. Use your minds. Never settle for what you are told to believe if in your heart you feel that's not how things are. If you thirst for the information find it. In the end, there's not really anything we can do about it, but we can quench our own thirst for the knowledge and truth.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that sometimes the system cranks out info blindly and we just swallow it down, Chad. I used to edit testing materials used to certify teachers for a MAJOR testing company. You wouldn't imagine how many questions I found that had the WRONG answers marked as correct on these tests. And these questions had existed for YEARS that way. For our TEACHERS!!! Scary.
    How can we expect children to learn when adults are not taking responsibility? WTF?!
