
Monday, March 22, 2010

So Thankful I know I have been m.i.a for awhile now. Well, only from here. Ha! You've still seem me around here and there on twitter I imagine. I didn't realize that people REALLY enjoyed reading this. I have always appreciated the kindness that the people of twitter show me, especially when complimenting me on my blog. I love writing but I cannot lie....i'm not crazy about READING blogs. Not exactly sure why. For precisely that reason I don't expect people to read my blog. I started doing it for me and have realized that there are those who TRULY enjoy reading. So.....this post is for you all. I'm SO thankful. I'm thankful for so many things nowadays. Thankful for family, friends, and life in general. It's a beautiful thing. Life truly is a gift. Just like a quote i've read, it owes us nothing. We owe to life and the creator to be our best. Each and every one of us is a miracle. We are a unique and creative living organism which can intelligently (or not so) make decisions based on things we do or do not believe. We have the ability to make choices that affect our well being. Hmmmmm.....choices. Isn't that a perplexing thing? Choices come down to thinking, another gift that we have been given. Life is full of gifts. It is a gift just to wake up everyday. You can give someone many gifts daily. Smile at them. Hold the door for them. Compliment them. Just make someone feel good. I love doing it. It makes me feel good to do it. Man, when I can bring a smile to someone's face it's like I light up inside. It's a great thing. I love it. This world is lacking a serious amount of kindness. Seems like today people are all for self. It's a shame because we are not living alone in this world. Life is about togetherness. It's about willpower. It's about happiness. I highly doubt life was given to us to be miserable. We have to find ways to make ourselves and others happy. Life is filled with obstacles to overcome. Not just our lives but those who walked the earth before us. Each of us has a different set of obstacles to overcome. But wouldn't it be nice if everyone related and connected the dots and shared our obstacles? I bet we'd be surprised how much easier overcoming each of our obstacles would be. I'm making a conscious effort to take into account other people's problems and the problems of the world in general. Before I die I wanna change the world for the better and with everyone's help i'm confident that that is as possible as possible can be. Life....i'm so thankful. Love y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Chad,
    That you started a blog is such a gift. Tonight, I needed this uplifting message and reminder so much. I understand that you have endured many hardships, and that makes it even more miraculous to me that you should write about the change you would like to be in our world, for that truly is inspiring to me, and to others...I believe in you; that you will make that change.

