
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm A Lucky Man

Wow! Life is really starting to be very kind to me. Is this the Karma that people talk about? Are the things that i've always wanted starting to happen for me as a way of saying thank you? Well it's definitely something. I am so amazed by a girl I have recently met. You know when in your heart you feel something is so right? When even your gut says "this is it?" Well it's happening to me. I'm also not thinking about my family as much. Yes, that is a good thing because my family is a source of negative energy. Life is finally starting to balance out. Don't get me wrong. There is still lots wrong with the world I hope will change. I actually hope to do my part to contribute and i will. It's just that i've begun to realize that I can't dwell on things that are out of my control. I can still show concern but when they start to affect my mood i need to let them go. We are so snowed in right now. It's pretty crazy. I wanted a major snowstorm and we got it. Now i'm ready for spring. I've learned one thing about blogging. It can be difficult to write an entry everyday if you do it like I do. I don't pre-write or pre-think any of it. I just sit down and pour out what i'm feeling at THAT moment. At the moment i'm watching the Cleveland cavaliers game so I just wanna type play by play commentary but i'll spare you the boredom. Ha! Besides, nobody wants to hear about a basketball game. Well, except Cavs fans and basketball fans. This isn't called Chad's sports blog though. Otherwise I would have written an entry on how the Saints are superbowl champs and how the city of New Orleans really needed that. I am really happy the Saints pulled that out. Hurricane Katrina caused major havoc there and the recovery has still not fully happened. Ok, so enough sports. I have a certain someone on my mind because it is 20 minutes until she meets with the surgeon. I hope they give her answers and get her healthy. She deserves that. I hope everything turns out ok. I love her and I need to know everything is ok. It's Tuesday and the trash goes out in the morning so I really need to get out there and drag the can through the snow and get it to the curb. Brrrrrrrrr. LOL! I hope everyone had and is having a great day filled with many blessings. Please remember to be good to people. We all deserve that. Once again, I love y'all.


  1. Nice blog Chad, It is hard to blog on the everyday, I do it
    anyhow, glad things are doing okay, you kinda knew the midwest was gonna get hit, but like you I am ready for spring.:)

    Take care.

  2. I like your on-the-spot writing :)
