
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Apologies

I'm sorry for being absent on sharing my feelings with you. I haven't felt very inspired as of late. Some of you may have noticed a few of my posts that I was confessing my affection for a certain lady. Well, i'm here to report that those feelings are gone. As much as i do care about that person, I felt like things weren't going the way they should. When I give someone my heart and complete honesty I expect the same. My feelings weren't being reciprocated. The #1 thing to me in a relationship is telling the truth NO MATTER WHAT. Even if you think it's gonna hurt the person you have to keep it real. In the short time we were together she lied to me at least twice that I know of. I really really loved this girl so of course i'm hurt. It hurts bad. I cared about her so much I compromised with my own beliefs thinking that maybe she wouldn't do it again. I always say that if you lie to me even once it's over. I actually let it slide with her at first because I thought the world of her. I really don't know what I was thinking. As I sit here and write now I am sad. This shit ain't right. I remember now why I was so content with being single. I hate this feeling of love controlling you. It will. It will make you feel weird. Sometimes really great and sometimes really bad. I'm destined to be a single man and to just have "relations" with women, not relationships. In a couple days I'll be completely over it but right now sucks, i'm not gonna lie. Once again i'm sorry for missing my posts the past few days. I'll try to get on the ball again. Love y'all

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