
Monday, February 1, 2010

Full Of Surprises

Life is a GREAT thing. It is so many things wrapped into one. The GREATEST thing to me about life is that just when you think you have it figured out it throws you a surprise. Not just in one area either. It happens in every aspect of life. I'm almost 30 yrs old. When I was a kid I thought I would be settled down with a family by now. Well, it hasn't exactly turned out that way. I've been in many relationships and have just never found that special someone. Until recently I was beginning to think I never would. I was perfectly content with being single and living my life how I wanted to live it. This is where the surprise comes in. Imagine coming across someone who you have the most amazing conversations with. Someone who you find out you think a lot like. Someone who is so amazing it makes you rethink what you want out of life. Someone who peaks your interest and actually makes you wanna be more than you ever dreamed of. It's a great thing. I'm so inspired! I have only known this person for a short while but we share the truth with each other. I really didn't wanna be in a relationship again. Too afraid to be let down. This girl makes me wanna put my feelings out there and take a chance so I am. If everything goes how my heart tells me it will, I think we have something special. Just when I thought and was happy to be destined to be a "single man" for the rest of my life, i'm suddenly feeling different. We have spoken so much about being 100% truthful with each other and that is the best we can do. That's a great foundation to build on. Things happen for a reason and I have been given a great reason to believe in love again. I come from a very broken family and in today's society that is the norm. Love truly is a rare thing. It's special. It makes you feel really good inside. This isn't as much about love as it is just appreciating a person for their kindness and for being so genuine. Wanting to share with someone things that you talk to no one about. Trusting someone. That's a very hard thing to do. I'm a firm believer that if you stay honest, faithful, and give your trust to someone, you can make it through life with not only the greatest friend one could have, but also a lover. ALWAYS, no matter what, be REAL. This post is dedicated to those of you who stay faithful and shine your light on the world. Never give up hope because just when you will throw you a beautiful surprise.


  1. I'm so happy you found someone! (I love romances) I didn't get married until I was 28 and my hubby was 34. This October we will be celebrating our 25 wedding anniversary! A lot of guys were asking him why it took him so long 2 get married and he said he wanted to be certain that the person who he married was someone he knew he would always be faithful to, would grow old with, and always be each others best friend. As for me, I am the lucky one in this marriage.

  2. So true. Must be some amazing woman.:)
