
Monday, February 22, 2010

Life Is Too Short

A grandmother figure to me died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. When things like that happen it puts everything into perspective again. Sometimes the everyday grind of life makes you forget how important enjoying every moment of life, even the bad ones is. We go through life just trying to be happy and to get by. In the moment of living it seems like life is a long process when, in fact, it's not that long at all. It's rare that a person gets to accomplish everything in life that they hoped for. People come in and out of our lives. Things don't always seem fair. I'm realizing now that life owes us nothing. Life is a gift. We owe everything to life. We have to be our best and give our best to people everyday or we will regret it in the end. Let the people you care about fully understand how much you care. Never waste an opportunity to shine your light around the world. Sometimes we forget about the people who care about us. I'm guilty of it. We owe those who care about us something. We owe them at least a word of gratitude if nothing else. We need to start living for people other than ourselves. I mean, we have to look out for ourselves but keep other peoples feelings close at heart. We only live once so why not make as many people smile as we can. I don't know about you but there is nothing I enjoy more than making someone smile. It makes me feel good. Even if it is just holding a door for someone or giving a random stranger a compliment. That should be what life is about. Let's all do our part to make others happy. One smile at a time we can change the world. Life is too short to live miserable and unhappy. I understand we can't always be full of joy but we don't have to share our unhappiness with everyone else. Let's start sharing joy and laughter more often. After all, life is too short to not to. Love y'all.

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